Colours Invitation to Play Table

Colours Invitation to Play Table

I’m sure if you have young kids you have played the colour version of “I Spy” You know, “I spy with my little eye, something that is….{red, orange, blue, green etc}” Well, we’ve been in the car quite a bit lately with Drs...
Cooking with Kids: Apple Crumble

Cooking with Kids: Apple Crumble

I’ve been sick for the past week so I haven’t really done much in the way of cooking with the kids. I had a bunch of green apples that were getting a little on the old side, so I figured we’d have some fun making Apple Crumble. Now, how’s that...
What I’ll Do Differently Next School Holidays

What I’ll Do Differently Next School Holidays

Most kids in our area went back to school today. Mine are headed back tomorrow, and frankly, I’m really looking forward to that. Now, don’t get me wrong I have had a helluva lot of fun with the kids these past 2 weeks, and we have really spent some quality...
Toss & Catch: Fun for $5

Toss & Catch: Fun for $5

Ok, so let me start by saying that I wasn’t even sure that I would write this up as a post, because the images I have for it are just quickly taken on my phone. The daybed is a mess, there are hatchimals on the floor, it was completely last minute…. you...
Cooking with Kids: Breakfast Bowls

Cooking with Kids: Breakfast Bowls

Ok, so technically we don’t “cook” these breakfast bowls, but it’s still preparing food with your child, so we’ll just gloss over that little detail, shall we? Especially considering this is one of the best ways that I’m able to get...

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